Looking for work in a Covid World — it’s possible

  1. Claire Fracker says:

    Charles This is a Great article and full of positive advice during these trying times. Keeping a positive attitude and the idea of hope and to continue to put energy and time in the search of jobs. Your expertise is such an awesome gift to job seekers out there. I will share this with my granddaughter as I feel it is an inspiring article for our youth.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Great advice. I have the luxury of choosing retirement in this crazy time but many of my colleagues were not so lucky. I am going to send them your article. The ones who are landing on their feet, are those you are positive and who are willing to come out of their comfort zone.

  3. Chuck says:

    Thank you anonymous. I hope this is helpful to your colleagues.

  4. Gordon MacNair says:

    Charles, great words of wisdom which I will share. Take care my friend.

  5. Byron Druss says:

    Great advice, all around. I’ll help anyone that reaches out and its important to encourahe others to do the same. Your network knows you best.
    And way to keep positive.
    Goid luck to you Chuck.

  6. Gordon Dalgard says:

    Hey mate,
    Well thought out supported with cogent rational thinking. As devastating as the Spanish Flu was, the world did not collapse nor disappear. There are many reasons to believe that despite everything we will survive.
    Well said Chuck

  7. Gerald MacMillan says:

    Inspiring mesaage. You have eloquently put the financial hardships many are experiencing through these covid times into perspective while offering words of advice and encouragement.
    I will certainly pass on to friends, especially those from the North Shore!

  8. Jean Short says:

    Yup! These same tips work for everything you want to attract in your life. Thank you Chuck for share this optimism.

  9. Paul Mayer says:

    Great article Chuck.
    As there are very tough days during a job campaign, keeping a positive attitude and trusting in yourself is always key to success.
    I will be sure to pass along your thoughts as we conduct our weekly Networking meetings for all those in career transition.
    Your suggestion to assist someone during a job hunt is right on mark. We can all appreciate a helping hand as we make our
    way through this very unusual time.
    These insights will be valuable and supportive.
    Thank you,

  10. William Dunn says:

    Great advice, Chuck. These times will pass, we need to be positive, adapt as needed and generate positive energy.

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