Resilience a lesson from Nelson Mandela

Resilience: a lesson from the grand master

  1. Corey says:

    Fascinating perspective Chuck! One of the most powerful and compelling messages I’ve read on overcoming the crisis we are all facing today. Complacency is an attractive short-term sale, but it only prolongs dissatisfaction. Your message of resilience resonates deeply with me and I appreciate your action steps for becoming practitioners of resilience in our daily lives. Looking forward to more insightful perspectives in the future.

  2. Barbara Sreckovic Realtor says:

    To thine know self be kind.
    I absolutely love the tips on how one can be more kind to oneself and put the bat down. Thank you for sharing.

    • Chuck says:

      Barbara, so happy to hear from you and delighted you found this helpful !

    • Lorraine Bukowski says:

      Barbara, my thoughts exactly! We forget the need for this when we’re in the midst of a crisis, worried about our loved ones and hoping we can hold onto our jobs. Chuck’s post puts things in perspective – just what we need right now.

  3. Dr. Camelia Lawrence says:

    Timely and important message, Charles! You’ve captured the true essence of the man. Despite the harsh & gruesome challenges he endured, he never lost sight of who he was and remained true to his core values. He is a role model for all of us. May his legacy continue to inspire generations to come.

    • Chuck says:

      Dr. Camelia, thank you for weighing in. He was an incredible human being. I was greatly moved by this book. It was a gift from a dear friend.

  4. Vincent Santilli says:

    Great perspective on an amazing man and leader-thanks for sharing it Chuck as ALL of us can learn so much from Nelson Mandela!

  5. Claire Fracker says:

    Charles, this article is a great message of encouragement on recognizing to remind ourselves that even our bad experiences in life can be a gift to mold us into a stronger and productive person. Your points on reminding ourselves each day to look at ourselves with positive attitude and to know it will makes us healthier not only physically but mentally too!! Thank you for your gift of encouraging words!

  6. Dominique Herring says:

    What a great article to illustrate a shining example of resilience. I’ve always been a big Mandela fan and think he exemplifies how we can all live with a bit more love and understanding in our everyday interactions. I appreciated your reflections and advice. Nice work, Chuck!

  7. Carina Ball says:

    Chuck, resiliency is the tapestry we weave for ourselves to attain inner peace and supersede negative mantra. I love this article! You’ve magnified the facets of character that makes one a sur-thrivor and not compelled to succumb to mediocrity! Kudos! ❤️

  8. Patricia O'Connell says:

    Chuck, what a resounding piece. Really great to read a definition of resilience — one of those words that is used to much we forget the meaning — and to get practical advice on how we can develop it in ourselves.

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