Customer Experience: Where’s the Love?

  1. Lorraine Bukowski says:

    We apparently frequent some of the same businesses, because I’ve also had the misfortune of calling a company about a problem, only to be trapped in the tangled branches of its phone tree. I don’t understand why a business would want a shield between itself and its customers, (or why a state government would block out the very people it’s meant to serve). Unfortunately, I’m pessimistic about a resolution to the void of person-to-person experiences. The volume of people – Millennials, Gen-Xers and, yes, even some Baby Boomers – who have their cell phones and tablets practically glued to their hands, no matter their environment, makes me think the future will have even less customer contact. I hope I’m wrong, and that more managers will see the wisdom of building a “culture of service.”

  2. Lorraine Bukowski says:

    You and I apparently frequent the same businesses, because I also have experienced the void of human contact and lost my way in the morass of a phone tree’s tangled branches. I don’t understand why a business would want to put up a shield to prevent its customers from having direct contact to solve a problem (or, for that matter, why a government agency would block access to the people it exists to serve).What’s worse is seeing the future – the Millennials and Gen-Xers – walking or sitting among people yet oblivious to anyone around them because they are glued to their cell phones or tablets. Mine is a pessimistic outlook, I admit; perhaps business leaders will see the wisdom behind the culture of service you advocate and adapt their procedures and actions accordingly.

  3. A great piece. A lot of companies spare no expense when it comes to product and service development, refining their processes, creating elaborate public relations programs, mission statements etc., only to drop the ball when it comes to training the customer-facing employees who can can make or break relationships and elevate or deflate a company’s reputation through a single encounter. I’d like to print this fine article out and pin it to the wall of every business where some worker has accepted my money in stone-faced silence or made me feel like an annoyance.

  4. Joan Law says:

    This hits the nail on the head. As someone who has been practicing and advising clients on the use of the ancient practice of Feng Shui your first point
    1. Designing unobstructed pathways so customers can do business with you in a manner that is both easy and pleasant (process).” includes the physical pathway as well. I am often amazed at how many businesses make it challenging to reach their point of entry. A recent experience had me perplexed when a business that accepted walk-in’s had a large palm(like a huge stop signal) on a sandwich board facing outward and obstructing the sidewalk to their front door. And she wondered why business was slow. The second was a consultation for a doctor’s office that had patients walking around the entire building, without a sidewalk or clear path, to get to the entrance when a perfectly usable back door directly accessible from the parking lot was available. One of her practice challenges was chronically running late in her schedule which was impacted by patients arriving late. Little details can make all the difference.
    I look forward to reading more of your work.

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